Monday, 4 April 2011

Blair Painting #1

This is a development of the 2 previous drawings that I've done, and I wanted to produce an acrylic photorealist portrait in the same way a king or emporor might have himself portrayed, but conveying the Blair's emotion at a certain point in his career. This is a representation of him nearing the end of his 10 years in power, with a UK/USA relationship left in tatters after the Irag and Afghanistan wars, and a golden glow in the background symbolic of Blair's misfortune, placing a focus on him in the painting.

I' am relatively happy with how this has developed, with the flag coming out well in particular, but I want this to just be a preliminary painting, an imagining of what the rest of my work could look like, depending if I choose to pursue this medium or decide on something else.

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