This is my final. On a personal level I' am still not entirely happy with it, there feels like a lack of substance, maybe because the colour is weak to reflect Blair himself in the image. I just hope this weak colour doesn't reflect on the quality of the image itself. I feel as though I've captured the concept I thought up well enough for it to be interpretted by anyone, whatever their existing attitude is of Blair.
Things that have been changed since my last "final" attempt:
The colour as I said has become weaker and a lot more subtle, but I've also decided to simplify the image by sticking to one colour, only brancing out for smaller background elements.
The figure has changed drastically now. I've tried to place more emphasis on him look and feeling pathetic and weak, but paying more attention to fat and wrinkles on his body. One obvious change was my choice to include the back of the suit, which was originally considered by a peer. By including the reverse of the suit he is not seen from the outside world as naked, and is guarded by the "corporate image" of the politician looking fine and dapper. This places more emphasis on the idea of Blair being exposed as it causes a contrast between what's real and what's reflected from Blair's P.O.V.
I added simple touches like a shine on the mirror's surface as a small detail to define that he is looking at his reflection, which isn't to be confused with a stranged looking at a life size portrait of Blair in his underwear.
Following Graham and Matt's advice, I finally included a section of a real life newspaper article to form part of Blair's dressed back. This has hopefully helped give the illustration a context (of being used to accompany a suitable newspaper or magazine publication and article), where my final now acts as a larger than life illustration with larger than life text.
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